A Dance of Rainbows

Now Streaming

Written & Directed by

J. Andrew

Original Film Soup / Still Images

J. Andrew

Archival Footage Courtesy of

SFSU School of Cinema
Prelinger Archive at Archive.org



Official Movie Poster

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About this Film

A Dance of Rainbows is intended to be a dual-projection diptych where two images are projected next to each other. The images are taken from still images shot on 35mm film, and subjected to a film soup / film soaking technique (recipe below). There is a left channel of the audio track corresponds to the archival footage in the left projection. The right channel audio track accompanies the film soup soaked film images on the right.

If watching at home or on a mobile device (not preferred), it is strongly recommended to wear headphones and watch the film in a darkened room. But, this film is best experienced in a theater. Click here to request a screening.

Film Soup Recipe

Film Soup Recipe

  1. Expose Film

  2. In a mason jar, mix 150 ml of Mr. Clean, 1/2 tsp of turmeric, 2 tsp sea salt, 150 ml of boiling water

  3. Mix vigorously for 3 minutes

  4. Mix vigorously for 30 seconds every 5 minutes

  5. At 40 minutes, rinse with cold water, vigorously shaking the enclosed mason jar, and repeatedly replacing with fresh water until there are no bubbles.

  6. Let dry on a paper towel for 24 hours


A big shout-out and heap of gratitude to Greta Snider for her guidance, kindness and encouragement.

Please enjoy A Dance of Rainbows.

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